Mismatch of sequence_nr and tag_pid_sequence_nr

I have a cluster with 3 persistent nodes. And I am persisting the events into cassandra datastore (5 cluster nodes). I am using akka-persistence-cassandra plugin (version 0.91) from Akka.
After some time of working there was a problem.

In the tag_write_progress table i have mismatch of sequence_nr and tag_pid_sequence_nr. And because of it when i am projecting data to elasticsearch with help of evetsByTag method i have problem with number of events . Like in example only last two events (number 9 and 10) fall into elastic index.
Can you help me with this? Thank you!

There have been rather many bug fixes since 0.91. Please try latest 0.98.

Thank you for helping.
I have already had some info in production. I can’t just increase lib version.

0.98 is compatible with 0.91. Maybe you mean that you have already corrupt data that need to be fixed? Maybe you can use the same (similar) instructions as the migration guide to 0.80 to rebuild the tag view from the events?