Good day,
The problem is that TagWriter didn’t save events in tag_views table, skip 3-10 Sequence numbers, how to fix it or can you help to understand the reason for this to prevent it in the future?
As I understand from doc, this situation should be fixed by backTracking, but I try to set up it, but it didn’t help me.
I use projections by eventsByTag, but it builds incorrect projection by reason of skipped events in tag_views.
EventSourcedProvider.eventsByTag<T>(system, CassandraReadJournal.Identifier(), tag)
My persistence config:
akka {
persistence {
cassandra {
session-provider = ""
events-by-tag {
eventual-consistency-delay = 5s
flush-interval = 50ms
pubsub-notification = on
first-time-bucket = "20230808T00:00"
verbose-debug-logging = true
bucket-size = Day
projection {
cassandra {
session-config-path = "akka.projection.cassandra.session-config"
session-config {
session-provider = ""
offset-store {
keyspace = "akka_projection"
table = "offset_store"
management-table = "projection_management"