(Robert Eklund)
July 9, 2019, 12:18am
I am trying to used the new Typed ActorTestKit with a custom ActorSystemSetup. In the untyped TestKit, it was easy because you could provide the actor system in the constructor:
* constructor as shown above, which makes this a non-issue, otherwise take
* care not to run tests within a single test class instance in parallel.
* It should be noted that for CI servers and the like all maximum Durations
* are scaled using their Duration.dilated method, which uses the
* TestKitExtension.Settings.TestTimeFactor settable via akka.conf entry "akka.test.timefactor".
* @since 1.1
@silent // 'early initializers' are deprecated on 2.13 and will be replaced with trait parameters on 2.14.
class TestKit(_system: ActorSystem) extends { implicit val system = _system } with TestKitBase
object TestKit {
private[testkit] val testActorId = new AtomicInteger(0)
* Await until the given condition evaluates to `true` or the timeout
* expires, whichever comes first.
def awaitCond(p: => Boolean, max: Duration, interval: Duration = 100.millis, noThrow: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
val stop = now + max
But with the typed ActorTestKit you can only specify custom config settings:
* Create a named testkit, and use a custom config for the actor system,
* and a custom [[]]
* It will create an [[]] with this name,
* e.g. threads will include the name.
* When the test has completed you should terminate the `ActorSystem` and
* the testkit with [[ActorTestKit#shutdownTestKit]].
def apply(name: String, customConfig: Config, settings: TestKitSettings): ActorTestKit =
new ActorTestKit(name = TestKitUtils.scrubActorSystemName(name), config = customConfig, settings = Some(settings))
* Shutdown the given [[]] and block until it shuts down,
* if more time than `TestKitSettings.DefaultActorSystemShutdownTimeout` passes an exception is thrown
def shutdown(system: ActorSystem[_]): Unit = {
val settings = TestKitSettings(system)
TestKitUtils.shutdown(system, settings.DefaultActorSystemShutdownTimeout, settings.ThrowOnShutdownTimeout)
For reference, I am trying to use Typed actors along side Lagom Persistent Entites, and it requires you to provide a serializer for each class on actor system setup (See here: ).
How would I go about testing typed actor and persistent entity interactions?
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Looks like that would require some changes and an additional factory method, please create an issue about it!
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(Robert Eklund)
July 12, 2019, 4:23am
Thank you Mr. Andren. I have created an issue over in the Akka/Akka Github page.
Please see reference at: