In the akka-samples-cqrs-java the ShardedDaemonProcess is inited
.init(....., settings.parallelism, ... )
and used later into ShardedDaemonProcessImpl
val entityIds = (0 to numberOfInstances).map(_.toString)
but the tag in the ShoppingCart is created
int n = Math.abs(entityContext.getEntityId().hashCode() % eventProcessorSettings.parallelism);
String eventProcessorTag = eventProcessorSettings.tagPrefix + "-" + n;
So n could be from [0ā¦eventProcessorSettings.parallelism)
while entityIds could be from [0ā¦eventProcessorSettings.parallelism]
Should it be in ShardedDaemonProcessImpl
val entityIds = (0 to numberOfInstances - 1).map(_.toString)
``` ?