Is there any way I can configure the maximum size of the shard envelope. I have a base 64 encoded image I get from a HTTP endpoint. When I send to the backend shard from my HTTP route using a shard envelope, I get the following error.
akka.remote.OversizedPayloadException: Discarding oversized payload sent to Some(Actor[akka://CadmiumCluster@]): max allowed size 262144 bytes. Message type [akka.cluster.sharding.typed.ShardingEnvelope].
it is possible to increase the max size for messages sent around the cluster but it’s not the best solution. If you are still using Classic Remoting (based on Neety) I would suggest you considered migrating to Artery. Artery introduced a side-channel dedicated to the delivery of big payloads (Artery Remoting • Akka Documentation). You need to configure the actors you wish used the large messages stream.
That seems to be working on the way in. However, when responses are above a certain limit (262144), with the same configuration it fails to serialize.
akka.remote.OversizedPayloadException: Discarding oversized payload sent to Some(Actor[akka://CadmiumCluster@$d]): max allowed size 262144 bytes. Message type [[B].