i am trying to write to an sftp location with SFTP as sink , and for an 1MB file to write from my application it is taking almost 10 minutes.
how can i improve this.
i tried using “maxUnconfirmedreads” to 64 . but, it didn’t improved my performance and i believe it is for reading from sftp
Below is my code snippet
class SftpUtility {
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("SftpUtility")
val streamName: String = system.settings.config.getString("stream.config.name")
val sftpKeyPath: String = system.settings.config.getString(s"$streamName.sftpKeyFile")
val userName: String = system.settings.config.getString(s"$streamName.userName")
val hostName: String = system.settings.config.getString(s"$streamName.hostName")
val credentials: FtpCredentials = FtpCredentials.create(userName, "")
val identity: KeyFileSftpIdentity = SftpIdentity.createFileSftpIdentity(sftpKeyPath)
val settings: SftpSettings = SftpSettings(InetAddress.getByName(hostName))
def getWritable[T](properties: Map[String, String]): Graph[SinkShape[T], NotUsed] = {
val fileName = getFileName(properties)
GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
val sftpSink: SinkShape[T] = builder.add(Flow[T].map(row => ByteString(row.toString)).to(Sftp.toPath(fileName, settings)))
def getFileName(properties:Map[String,String]): String ={
val fileName = properties("targetFileName")
val fileFormat = properties("fileFormat")
val filePath = properties("targetFilePath")