I am writing a sample program using akka streams where I am reading contents of csv file.
The csv file contains 5 lines of data. Now I want to process ( in this case display on console) 2 lines at time so I grouped the stream of lines by 2. It gave me 2 groups and skipped the last line ideally which should have been in 3rd group.
So how do i access elements in the last group is the last group has a size less that which was specified (in my case specified size is 2) ???
Sample code:
public class MyClass{
public static void main(String[] args)
final ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create(“SplitAndPrint”);
final Materializer materializer = ActorMaterializer.create(system);
Sink<ByteString, CompletionStage<Done>> splitAndPrintSink = Sink.<ByteString>foreach(chunk -> splitLine(chunk) );
Sink<ByteString, CompletionStage<Done>> lineSink = Sink.<ByteString>foreach(s-> convert(s));
Path filePath = Paths.get("C:\\Users\\admin\\oxy\\AkkaStreaming\\src\\main\\resources\\csvdata.csv");
CompletionStage<Done> done= FileIO.fromPath(filePath)
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString.fromString(System.lineSeparator()), Integer.MAX_VALUE,FramingTruncation.DISALLOW))
lines.forEach(l -> convert(l));
}, materializer)
public static void convert(ByteString xString)
System.out.println(" ----- “);
String converted = xString.utf8String();
System.out.println(converted.length()+” | "+converted);
Region,Country,Item Type,Sales Channel,Order Priority,Order Date,Order ID,Ship Date,Units Sold,Unit Price,Unit Cost,Total Revenue,Total Cost,Total Profit
Sub-Saharan Africa,South Africa,Fruits,Offline,M,7/27/2012,443368995,7/28/2012,1593,9.33,6.92,14862.69,11023.56,3839.13
Middle East and North Africa,Morocco,Clothes,Online,M,9/14/2013,667593514,10/19/2013,4611,109.28,35.84,503890.08,165258.24,338631.84
Australia and Oceania,Papua New Guinea,Meat,Offline,M,5/15/2015,940995585,6/4/2015,360,421.89,364.69,151880.40,131288.40,20592.00
Sub-Saharan Africa,Djibouti,Clothes,Offline,H,5/17/2017,880811536,7/2/2017,562,109.28,35.84,61415.36,20142.08,41273.28