Migration Java to Jackson serialization

My project is using java serializer. I am migrating to akka 2.6

My message classes is used as below with java serializer.
public class MyMessage implements Serializable
serializers {
** java = “akka.serialization.JavaSerializer”**
** jackson-json = “akka.serialization.jackson.JacksonJsonSerializer”**
** }**
** serialization-bindings {**
** “com.my.MyMessage” = java**
** }**

I modified as described.

public class MyMessage implements Serializable, MySerializable
serializers {
** java = “akka.serialization.JavaSerializer”**
** jackson-json = “akka.serialization.jackson.JacksonJsonSerializer”**
** }**
** serialization-bindings {**
** “com.my.MyMessage” = java**
** }**

but, It cannot work. I can’t understand this comment.
Change message classes by adding the marker interface and possibly needed annotations as described in Serialization with Jackson.

How can old cluster deserialize java/jackson in 2nd step? Please explain in detail.

That is what you have done in:

public class MyMessage implements Serializable, MySerializable

The marker interface is MySerializable. That is what you will later add to serialization-bindings instead of the java binding:

serialization-bindings {
  "com.my. MySerializable" = jackson-json

I don’t think you should have "com.my.MyMessage" = java in the bindings in the first place because that is already covered by java.io.Serializable binding.

In 2nd step there will be no Jackson serialization/deserialization because MySerializable has not been added to the bindings (for serialization/toBinary) yet.

In 3rd step the new cluster nodes will start using Jackson for serialization/toBinary and when those messages are received the old cluster nodes are prepared to deserialize those given the changes in 2nd step.

When writing this I realize that we might have missed one thing in that description. 2nd step might need config:

akka.serialization.jackson.whitelist-class-prefix = ["com.my.MyMessage"]

I’ll test that and let you know if that is also needed.

What error did you see, or what was it that didn’t work?

Thanks for your kind explanation.
I missed this like your mention.
Really appreciate it.

akka.serialization.jackson.whitelist-class-prefix = [“com.my.MyMessage”]

I have verified that the whitelist is needed and missing in the instructions. Documentation will be updated in next version.


is needed in step 2. Replace com.myapp with the name of the root package of your application to trust all classes. This is needed for Jackson deserialization when the serialization-bindings isn’t defined.

The whitelist can be removed in step 3, because then it’s defined in the serialization-bindings.

Thanks for reporting.

Hello @patriknw ,
sorry for digging out such old thread :-)
step 2 “adding the marker interface” would already break java serialization for case classes which did not yet have the explicit SerialVersionUID annotation, right?
So step 1 should include “add SerialVersionUID to all message classes that are candidates for adding the marker interface in step 2”.