Lagom on AWS EKS


Currently we are running Lagom services on ConductR hosted on 3 EC2 instances in VPC.
Cassandra, Kafka and ElasticSearch are running on 3 separate EC2 instances in the same VPC accessed via AWS internal loadbalancer.

ConductR is EOL so our plan is to migrate Lagom services from ConductR to AWS EKS and leave Cassandra, Kafka and ElasticSearch running on the existing EC2 instances to lower down time as much as possible.
We are hosting our ConductR bundles on bintray.
My plan is to follow AWS EKS official documentation and Lagom/Lightbend Kubernetes documentation.
I would appriciate someone sharing expirience of configing and running Lagom service on AWS EKS with special focus on:

  1. tips&tricks specific for AWS EKS and Lagom kubernaties support
  2. bundle hosting

