Our team would need to develop stateful processing of Kafka messages, using “Cluster sharding” pattern.
From the below examples, it seems the sharding initialization part “KafkaClusterSharding.messageExtractorNoEnveloppe(…)” always have to be split from the consumer part “Consumer.source…shardRegion.ask[Done](replyTo => …)”:
on https://developer.lightbend.com/start/?group=akka&project=akka-samples-cluster-sharding-scala and (github) akka-samples/tree/2.6/akka-sample-kafka-to-sharding-scala
It would be nice knowing if:
1- There’s no easier way to define the kafka-consumer + cluster-sharding-actors at once, or if it is intended to be always split?
2- If stateful processing of akka-kafka messages is achievable another “classic” way?
3- If somebody could get the 2nd-example working ad-hoc, especially due to issue https://github.com/akka/akka-samples/issues/219? (which I also have)
Thanks a lot anyway for your work