Any reason why java flight recorder is added as dependency to Akka remote? We are stepping up from Akka 2.5.29 to 2.6.x and we could see there is a strict dependency for jdk.jfr. We do not want any sniffing tools or troubleshooting to be installed in the system. Can you suggest any other options to bypass jfr?
I see the dependency in the osgi container
missing requirement [com.typesafe.akka.remote/2.6.16] osgi.wiring.package; filter:="(osgi.wiring.package=jdk.jfr)"]]]
Any idea on how to satisfy this requirement?
jfr is part of jdk and it will only be used if it can be loaded. You can disable it with config: akka/reference.conf at ba6c91779a568c3dc9b27601dacef54a1dd19e86 · akka/akka · GitHub