I’ve got the following snippet:
def eval[A](stream: Source[A, NotUsed]): Seq[A] =
Await.result(stream.runWith(Sink.seq), 10.seconds)
println(eval(Source.single(3) zipLatest Source.empty)) // 1
println(eval(Source.single(3) zipLatest Source(List()))) // 2
println(eval(Source(List()) zipLatest Source(List()))) // 3
When executed:
- the first zipLatest completes, printing an empty Vector.
- the second one times out, even though
individually does complete. - the third one completes again.
According to the docs zipLatest should complete when any upstream completes. How come it does complete for Source.empty
but not for some uses of Source(List())
? Is this the intended behaviour?