Hi, I am new to Akka and developing a spring boot application integrated with Akka.
I have a root actor, which has few child actors. This root actor is the one which receives all the messages then forwards them to child actors based on the type. Now, I want to have only single instance of the root actor in the system, so specified that in the application.conf file. Also, I want to return the same ActorRef of root actor, each time actorOf() is called (since it will receive lot of messages, and I don’t want to create new instance each time , which in turn will create new child actors instances).
So, I created a wrapper over it.
RootActor :
public class RootActor extends UntypedActor{
private static final String addOnsActorName = "addOnsActor";
private static final String assetsActorName = "assetsActor";
static volatile ActorRef addOnsActorRef = null;
static volatile ActorRef assetsActorRef = null;
private ActorSystem actorSystem;
public void init() {
addOnsActorRef = createChild(addOnsActorName);
assetsActorRef = createChild(assetsActorName);
public void onReceive(Object arg0) throws Exception {
if(!(arg0 instanceof Notification)) {
throw new InvalidMessageException("Invalid message!!");
Notification message = (Notification)arg0;
Type type = message.getResourceType();
if(type=="ADDONS") {
addOnsActorRef.tell(message, self());
if(type=="ASSETS") {
assetsActorRef.tell(message, self());
public ActorRef createChild(String childName) {
return getContext().actorOf(SpringExtProvider.get(actorSystem).props(childName).withRouter(new FromConfig()), childName);
RootActorWrapper :
public class RootActorWrapper {
ActorSystem actorSystem;
protected ActorRef rootActor = null;
public void init() throws ActorException {
try {
rootActor = actorSystem.actorOf(SpringExtProvider.get(actorSystem)
.withRouter(new FromConfig()),
} catch (Throwable e) {
//handle error
public void process(Notification notification) {
rootActor.tell(notification, null);
I want to know if this is alright or is there a better way to do this? Reason I want to keep root actor as singleton because it creates child actors (with 20 instances each). Hence I don’t want new instance of root actor to be created due to each actorOf() call.
So is doing this is okay? Or this is an anti-pattern?
Thanks in advance!