For my Akka Typed Persistence service, I’ve turned on remember entities for a couple of my entities. For the both of those actor types, I’m getting a PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “journal_pkey” with the EventSourcedRememberEntitiesCoordinatorStore actors before the ShardCoordinator shuts down.
How do you recommend resolving this issue properly? How does this issue typically occur? I haven’t seen much guidance online on this issue, so any direction is appreciated.
Which plugin are you using? The constraint in the jdbc plugin is journal_pk. That may be just a typo on your side and not relevant here, but I want to check nevertheless.
In any case, I think this is happening because you have two instances of the same actor or two different actors that are sharing the same id. Could that be the case?
We are using akka-persistence-jdbc plugin. We directly copied the schema.ddl. We’re using postgres.
Regarding same actor or difference actors using same key: We have two entities that are remembered, and I verified they have separate TypeKey’s during Cluster Shard Entity initialization (from which I believe the EventSourcedRememberEntitiesCoordinatorStore derives its identity).
We do have a deployment situation in which we’re deploying the service twice: once as a canary then the final deployment. Both reference the same database. Can the canary conflict with the final? Aside from the canary deployment, would deploying the service as a single-node cluster impact the behavior?
I’m seeing this duplicate key issue with both:
[TypeKey]Shard (on EventSourcedRememberEntitiesShardStore$EntitiesStarted events); and,
[2021-07-16 07:44:45,452] e[1;31mERRORe[0;39m e[36ma.c.s.i.EventSourcedRememberEntitiesShardStoree[0;39m [] [] - Failed to persist event type [akka.cluster.sharding.internal.EventSourcedRememberEntitiesShardStore$EntitiesStarted] with sequence number [33] for persistenceId [/sharding/MassSuspensionShard/0]. - MDC: {akkaAddress=akka://migration@,, akkaSource=akka://migration@, sourceActorSystem=migration, akkaTimestamp=07:44:45.452UTC}
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "journal_pkey"
Detail: Key (persistence_id, sequence_number)=(/sharding/MassSuspensionShard/0, 33) already exists.
[TypeKey]Coordinator actors (on String events).
[2021-07-21 02:00:06,980] e[1;31mERRORe[0;39m e[36ma.c.s.i.EventSourcedRememberEntitiesCoordinatorStoree[0;39m [] [] - Failed to persist event type [java.lang.String] with sequence number [7041] for persistenceId [/sharding/MassSuspensionCoordinator]. - MDC: {akkaAddress=akka://migration@,, akkaSource=akka://migration@, sourceActorSystem=migration, akkaTimestamp=02:00:06.977UTC}
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "journal_pkey"
Detail: Key (persistence_id, sequence_number)=(/sharding/MassSuspensionCoordinator, 7041) already exists.