How do I load balance incoming messages onto the nodes of the Akka cluster?
This topic is based on a conversation between an anonymous user of Akka and our “Ask AI about Akka” bot in the documentation.
How do I load balance incoming messages onto the nodes of the Akka cluster?
This topic is based on a conversation between an anonymous user of Akka and our “Ask AI about Akka” bot in the documentation.
Akka provides several strategies for load balancing messages across nodes in a cluster. Here are a few of them:
or AdaptiveLoadBalancingGroup
performs load balancing of messages to cluster nodes based on the cluster metrics data. It uses random selection of routees with probabilities derived from the remaining capacity of the corresponding node. It can be configured to use a specific MetricsSelector to produce the probabilities, a.k.a. weights. The selectors include heap
, load
, cpu
, mix
, and any custom implementation of akka.cluster.metrics.MetricsSelector
. The collected metrics values are smoothed with exponential weighted moving average. You can adjust how quickly past data is decayed compared to new data in the Cluster configuration. Here is an example of how to use it:int totalInstances = 100;
int maxInstancesPerNode = 3;
boolean allowLocalRoutees = false;
Set<String> useRoles = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("backend"));
ActorRef backend =
new ClusterRouterPool(
new AdaptiveLoadBalancingPool(
SystemLoadAverageMetricsSelector.getInstance(), 0),
new ClusterRouterPoolSettings(
totalInstances, maxInstancesPerNode, allowLocalRoutees, useRoles))
and will therefore route messages to services registered in any node of the cluster. SourceRemember to choose the strategy that best fits your use case.
How to connect to an Akka cluster to send messages?
To connect to an Akka cluster and send messages, you need to follow these steps:
akka {
actor {
provider = "cluster"
remote {
artery {
enabled = on
canonical {
hostname = "localhost"
port = 2551
cluster {
seed-nodes = [
Config config = ConfigFactory.load("application.conf");
ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("cluster-system", config);
This example is using the classic actor api. To use the typed ActorSystem api, please have a look here.
ActorRef publisher = system.actorOf(Props.create(SenderActor.class), "publisher");
publisher.tell("hello from microservice A ", null);
Serialization: You have to enable serialization to send messages between ActorSystems (nodes) in the Cluster. Serialization with Jackson is a good choice in many cases, and the recommended option if you don’t have other preferences or constraints.
Distributed Publish Subscribe in Cluster: If you want to send a message to an actor without knowing which node it is running on, or send messages to all actors in the cluster that have registered interest in a named topic, you can use the DistributedPubSubMediator
Remember, Akka Cluster is not a service discovery solution. New nodes need to know the address of at least one existing member of the cluster to join. This can be done with configuration, or Akka Management’s Cluster Bootstrap.
Are Akka HTTP endpoints load balanced?
Akka HTTP itself does not provide load balancing for endpoints. However, when used in a distributed system like Akka Cluster or when deployed on a platform like Kubernetes, you can leverage the load balancing features provided by these systems.
For example, in an Akka Cluster, you can use routers to distribute messages across multiple nodes. These routers can use several strategies like round-robin, random, smallest mailbox, etc., to balance the load across the nodes. Source
When deploying an Akka gRPC service on Kubernetes, you can use a Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer
to expose a TCP endpoint outside the cluster. This allows you to use the load balancing features provided by Kubernetes. However, there are some limitations, such as being restricted to 1 service per IP and not having advanced features like TLS termination and path-based routing. Source
For gRPC clients, Akka supports client-side load balancing when using the default static
or the grpc-dns
discovery mechanism. You can set the load-balancing-policy
client configuration option to round_robin
to enable the round_robin client-side load balancing strategy provided by grpc-java. However, this feature is marked as experimental in grpc-java. Source
Remember, the choice of load balancing strategy depends on your specific use case and the characteristics of your system.