I´m working with Akka typed, and I´m not able checking in the official documentation(https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/actors.html#actors), which I found really short, how to configure the Dispatcher in the Actor typed.
Here an example of my code
private int actorTimeout = Integer.parseInt(getProperty("environment.actor.timeout", "10"));
private AkkaTypedDAO akkaTypedDAO;
private ActorSystem<AkkaTypedDTO> system;
private void initActor() {
system = ActorSystem.create(akkaTypedDAO.daoWithSupervisor, "AkkaTypedDAO");
private final Behavior<CommandAkkaTyped> service = Actor.immutable((ctx, msg) -> {
sendToDAO(msg.id).thenApply(either -> {
return either;
return Actor.same();
public final Behavior<CommandAkkaTyped> serviceWithSupervisor = Actor.supervise(service).onFailure(Exception.class, restart());
private CompletionStage<Either<ConnectorErrorVO, EntityDaoDTO>> sendToDAO(MUSIn<AkkaTypedPayLoad> id) {
return AskPattern.ask(system,
(ActorRef<Either<ConnectorErrorVO, EntityDaoDTO>> replyTo) -> new AkkaTypedDTO(new EntityDaoDTO(musIn), replyTo),
new Timeout(actorTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS), system.scheduler());
Checking the new API in case I want to create passing the Props I have to pass quite a lot more classes.
def create[T](
guardianBehavior: Behavior[T],
name: String,
guardianProps: Optional[Props],
config: Optional[Config],
classLoader: Optional[ClassLoader],
executionContext: Optional[ExecutionContext]): ActorSystem[T] = {
import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._
apply(guardianBehavior, name, guardianProps.asScala.getOrElse(EmptyProps), config.asScala,
classLoader.asScala, executionContext.asScala)
When I create my ActorSystem how can I configure the dispatcher for my Actor.immutable?