According to the andThen
method definition in PartialFunction trait in scala 12.13.6:
/** Composes this partial function with a transformation function that
* gets applied to results of this partial function.
* If the runtime type of the function is a `PartialFunction` then the
* other `andThen` method is used (note its cautions).
* @param k the transformation function
* @tparam C the result type of the transformation function.
* @return a partial function with the domain of this partial function,
* possibly narrowed by the specified function, which maps
* arguments `x` to `k(this(x))`.
override def andThen[C](k: B => C): PartialFunction[A, C] = k match {
case pf: PartialFunction[B, C] => andThen(pf)
case _ => new AndThen[A, B, C](this, k)
* Composes this partial function with another partial function that
* gets applied to results of this partial function.
* Note that calling [[isDefinedAt]] on the resulting partial function may apply the first
* partial function and execute its side effect. It is highly recommended to call [[applyOrElse]]
* instead of [[isDefinedAt]] / [[apply]] for efficiency.
* @param k the transformation function
* @tparam C the result type of the transformation function.
* @return a partial function with the domain of this partial function narrowed by
* other partial function, which maps arguments `x` to `k(this(x))`.
def andThen[C](k: PartialFunction[B, C]): PartialFunction[A, C] =
new Combined[A, B, C](this, k)
That seems something new as in scala 2.12.14 we have one overload method for andThen
/** Composes this partial function with a transformation function that
* gets applied to results of this partial function.
* @param k the transformation function
* @tparam C the result type of the transformation function.
* @return a partial function with the same domain as this partial function, which maps
* arguments `x` to `k(this(x))`.
override def andThen[C](k: B => C): PartialFunction[A, C] =
new AndThen[A, B, C] (this, k)
And in FSM.scala we have this method:
private[akka] def processEvent(event: Event, @unused source: AnyRef): Unit = {
val stateFunc = stateFunctions(currentState.stateName)
val nextState = if (stateFunc.isDefinedAt(event)) {
} else {
// handleEventDefault ensures that this is always defined
That checks if stateFunc is defined at event then run it in stateFunc(event)
Also this is the definition of FSM transform
final class TransformHelper(func: StateFunction) {
def using(andThen: PartialFunction[State, State]): StateFunction =
func.andThen(andThen.orElse { case x => x })
final def transform(func: StateFunction): TransformHelper = new TransformHelper(func)
that chains 2 partialFunctions.
So if we have a FSM actor with this definition:
def sideEffect(): Unit
def updateDB() : Unit
when(customStateName)(transform {
case Event(CustomEvent, CustomStateData) =>
} using {
case FSM.State(_, NewSateData, _, _, _) =>
So if this FSM actor receives CustomEvent
- sideEffect would be called 2 times
- updateDB would be called 1 times
Is it right?
We have the same logic in our application and seems was working well with scala 2.12.14 (both sideEffect and updateDB called 1 time), but after upgrading to scala 2.13.6 we see this new behaviour