I’m working on a akka streams app based on alpakka 1.0 rc1 (cassandra, slick, kafka).
It works very nice, thank you for that!
I’m little bit wondering about the old cassandra driver version 2.5.1 which is used.
Is there any known issue with the newer drivers (2.6, 2.7.1)?
No, I’m not aware of any problems with newer Cassandra drivers when using Alpakka Cassandra.
We plan to re-work Alpakka Cassandra quite a bit past Alpakka 1.0 where we will bring in parts of the Akka Persistence Cassandra projects session handling.
The motivation is that the CassandraSession in Akka Persistence Cassandra offers a great API that complements the source/flow/sink APIs in Alpakka. Especially for “one element operations” that are better expressed with Future or CompletionStage.
The other part is that users want to use CassandraSession when not using Akka Persistence Cassandra – see https://github.com/akka/akka-persistence-cassandra/issues/390