How do I override the default value for the Cassandra contact point. I tried below, however the driver still seems to be trying to connect to
datastax-java-driver {
basic.contact-points = ["cassandra-db"]
Kind regards
(Christopher Batey)
May 5, 2020, 6:24am
Which version are you using? That would be for 1.0
For earluer versions it is cassandra-journal.contact-points
# }
cassandra-journal {
# FQCN of the cassandra journal plugin
class = "akka.persistence.cassandra.journal.CassandraJournal"
# List of contact points in the Cassandra cluster.
# Host:Port pairs are also supported. In that case the port parameter will be ignored.
# The value can be either a proper list, e.g. ["", ""],
# or a comma-separated list within a single string, e.g. ",".
contact-points = [""]
# Port of contact points in the Cassandra cluster.
# Will be ignored if the contact point list is defined by host:port pairs.
port = 9042
# The implementation of akka.persistence.cassandra.SessionProvider
# is used for creating the Cassandra Session. By default the
# the ConfigSessionProvider is building the Cluster from configuration properties
# but it is possible to replace the implementation of the SessionProvider
# to reuse another session or override the Cluster builder with other