My colleagues (Paweł Dolega & Marcin Zagórski) from VirtusLab and I are preparing a presentation for ReactSphere conference in which we are trying to showcase the differences between traditional sync microservices and reactive microservices. We’ve selected Scalatra as it’s based on servlets api as a sync platform and Akka HTTP as a reactive platform and built small stacks of 3 microservices in each paradigm. Our whole codebase resides @
We’re currently load testing the whole stack in Tectonic kubernetes cluster on AWS using Gatling and we’ve encountered several strange issues with Akka HTTP that don’t show up with scalatra. We’ve been able to escalate load tests from 700 users in 300 seconds up to 2300 users in 300 seconds with scalatra and only after that point sync stack started to crash. Akka-http on the other hand has nicer latencies in 75th percentile, but starts to yield timeouts at 1500/300.
Here’s an excerpt from Gatling’s log:
---- Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
> j.n.ConnectException: connection timed out: identity-service-t 509 (85.98%)
>, but actually found 400 33 ( 5.57%)
> j.u.c.TimeoutException: Request timeout to identity-service-te 27 ( 4.56%)
rtiary.microservices.svc.cluster.local/ after 600...
>, but actually found 503 9 ( 1.52%)
>, but actually found 503 8 ( 1.35%)
>, but actually found 503 5 ( 0.84%)
>,409), but actually found 503 1 ( 0.17%)
400s are actually expected in results as those are related to cassandra’s eventual consistency.
We’re trying to understand what might be causing this problem. Do you have any clues?
It’s really hard to say anything without running the benchmark and profiling it, which I don’t have time for right now. So let me just venture some wild guesses, probably all in the wrong direction, but who knows
-> probably hasn’t gotten much to do with this, but I’d recommend using the ActorSystem’s dispatcher anyway and not mix thread pools when possible (system.dispatcher)
We’ll take your insight into consideration. I think we’ve been able to pinpoint the culprit - in billing service we’re performing an http call to payment system, which in turn models a slow, external service that processes, well, payments. Payment system simply sleeps for 1 second before answering and apparently this long http call was causing systemic trouble - when replaced with onComplete(after(1.second, system.scheduler)(Future("ok")))
problem seemed to disappear (at least locally), so we figure that it must be somehow related to akka http client connection pools and connection starvation. We will deploy full load tests with solution suggested by docs - a separate connection pool for that long request - today and hopefully everything will go fine this time.
If you do Thread.sleep anywhere in the sample app without taking special care putting it on a separate dispatcher you are likely starving the default fork join pool, meaning that there are no threads available to handle other work. So very likely a culprit. If you need to do blocking you should isolate that onto a separate thread pool based dispatcher.
@johanandren payment-system app is scalatra-based, so Thread.sleep(1000) is at home there
It’s basically a way for us to introduce a variable of integration with slow, legacy system and see how it impacts a microservices stack and how different paradigms cope with that - it’s a huge pain for a sync stack as it blocks threads, but it shouldn’t be a huge problem for a reactive stack. It seems that using single http connection pool for all outgoing connections including connections to payment-service that just sleeps for 1 second was a bad decision.
Ah, I thought that was in the Akka HTTP app you were benching.
If you are doing 2300 concurrent users and every request for those will trigger a HTTP request to the slower system, and that slower system can handle many concurrent requests you may want to tweak the HTTP client thread pool configuration, I think the default max-connections per host is something like 4, so that could probably be a bottle neck.
We’ve been able to pinpoint the culprit. Apparently the slowest part of the equation is alpakka’s S3 integration which we are using to put dummy invoices in S3. That S3 driver caused inter-service 503s due to request timeouts.
We have tuned configuration to limit errors as we want a cleaner overview of latencies and ended up with this:
akka.http.client.connecting-timeout = 15 min
@johanandren we’ve already increased max-connections some time ago, do you happen to know why is the default limit set to 4? It’s quite small.