Alpakka S3 doesn’t appear to pick up the configuration from Play Framework’s “application.conf” automatically. To get past configuration errors I needed to do the following:
class LogFileController @Inject() (
cc: ControllerComponents,
authAction: AuthAction,
system: ActorSystem
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
extends AbstractController(cc)
with Logging
private val s3settings: S3Settings = S3Ext(system).settings
def list() =
authAction { authdReq =>
val s_contents = S3
.listBucket(s3Bucket, prefix = None)
My application.conf file contains the following:
alpakka.s3 {
aws {
credentials {
provider = static
access-key-id = "MY_ACCESS_KEY"
access-key-id = ${?MINIO_KEY}
secret-access-key = "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
secret-access-key = ${?MINIO_SECRET}
region {
provider = static
default-region = "us-east-1"
default-region = ${?S3_REGION}
endpoint-url = "http://minio.bebop:80"
endpoint-url = ${?MINIO_ENDPOINT}
path-style-access = force
access-style = path
Am I missing something here? Why isn’t the config being picked up automatically?