Hi, I am very new to Apache Kafka and kafka stream. I have a few questions:
Does Apache Kafka Server has built in alpakka kafka connector
My Javascript application sends messages (producer) to Apache Kafka server on port 9092
I downloaded a Kafka Consumer application written in scala. Its build.sbt specifies kafka and akka stream libraries to be included. But when I compile and run (sbt run) this consumer application it does not receive any messages.
Kindly help as to what I might be doing wrong. Thanks in advance
The alpakka-kafka connector is separate from the rest of Alpakka, you can find the docs for it here: Alpakka Kafka Documentation
It acts as a client so does not need to be built into the kafka server, it runs in your application and connects to the Kafka server.
Many things could be wrong with a client so that it does not receive any messages, so it is hard to say anything about what could be the specific reason. Double check the configuration in the consumer application so that it uses the right host and port, and that it consumes from the same topic that you produce to.
Look at the logs when running the consumer and see if there are any errors or warnings that could give you a hint about not being able to connect.
Thank you so much for your prompt reply.
I will look deeper into my code and follow your suggestions including searching the logs for any error messages. Thanks again.