Hi there, in akka untyped there is a ShardRegion.GracefulShutdown message that allows shutting down a ShardRegion actor. Is there a similar mechanism in akka clustering typed?
I’m trying to use this for testing recovery of persistent actors. I can of course shut down the whole cluster or wait for passivation, or I could even have the persitent actors themselves ask for passivation upon some trigger, but I was wondering if this got left out by design?
Sorry for delayed response. Since the graceful shutdown is now integrated in CoordinatedShutdown of the ActorSystem we don’t think there is a need for specific API for it.
Patrik, I was wondering what approach you’d recommend should one really like to test functionality that involves a ShardRegion going down. Consider the scenario where another actor is watching the ShardRegion and would fire some action if the region goes down. At the moment, I use the adapter and do the following to forcefully stop the region: testKit.system.toUntyped.actorSelection(shardRegion.path).tell(PoisonPill, probe.ref.toUntyped)
Not the prettiest thing ever but does the job. I couldn’t find better a better alternative in the akka test suite, but there’s always the possibility such functionality exists and I’ve missed it.