We have some code that receives into its behaviour and uses orElse
so that another behaviour’s signal handler can continue handling signals i.e.:
.receive[T] {...}
.orElse(behavior) // handle signals immediately
What we’re seeing is that the signal handling of behavior
isn’t called. The specific signal in use here is Terminated
The API doc for orElse
Composes this
Behavior with a fallback
Behaviorwhich is used when this
Behavior` doesn’t handle the message or signal…
However, I think that in the case of the Terminated
signal, this isn’t the case. Looking at the code of Behavior
, I see the following:
def interpretSignal[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: TypedActorContext[T], signal: Signal): Behavior[T] = {
val result = interpret(behavior, ctx, signal)
// we need to throw here to allow supervision of deathpact exception
signal match {
case Terminated(ref) if result == UnhandledBehavior ⇒ throw DeathPactException(ref)
case _ ⇒ result
This appears to handle the termination signal especially, as the comment states. However, it also appears that the orElse
behavior doesn’t get the opportunity to execute.
I was hoping that the correct API behaviour could be clarified.
Relevant code example: MQTT streaming: SourceQueue backpressure by longshorej · Pull Request #1577 · akka/alpakka · GitHub
Naturally, I’m happy to raise an issue if there is one. Thanks for your guidance.