I really like using the request-level api for Akka Http Client but I need to set timeouts per request. I understand there are settings for idle timeout and connection timeout but not for request timeout. There’s even an issue in Akka Http open for this (https://github.com/akka/akka-http/issues/622) but it has no resolution (3+ years). Wondering if my only option is to use the connection-level api (which I don’t want)
Indeed, we didn’t get to fixing that properly yet.
As a poor-man’s workaround until we fix that issue you could use a simple request timeout, though the drawback would be that requests that time out in the queue will still be executed even if the response will be discarded afterwards.
Thank you @jrudolph for your reply. Would you mind expanding (if possible with a simple example) on your solution? I am not aware of any setting at the request-level that allows you to set a timeout.
@juanavelez just curious if you explored https://github.com/akka/akka-http/blob/acbf077fcf929e1de79ef1022a8d4d7f3a4798c2/akka-http-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf#L50?
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately that particular property is for Servers not clients.
Sorry missed coming back to that issue.
You might be able to use something like
akka.pattern.after(timeout, scheduler)(Future.failed(timedOutException)),