I am trying to run an akka cluster on AWS Ecs by Fargate. So far, not so good.
I start an instance without seeds
After 5 minutes, i check with the aws sdk the list of services and, since there isnt anything else running appart from myself, I become the cluster leader.
I start then a second instance, do the same thing. This time, this instance detect that there is a service running and tries to connect to its cluster.
I tried this configuration, on the first instance :
Also this one
Neither worked, it should be fairly straight forward but I must be missing something because i get this one the second instance :
12:59:01.574 [cms-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-14] WARN akka.stream.Materializer - [outbound connection to [akka://cms-api@], control stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: Tcp command [Connect(,None,List(),Some(5000 milliseconds),true)] failed because of akka.io.TcpOutgoingConnection$$anon$2: Connect timeout of Some(5000 milliseconds) expired
and then :
12:59:16.460 [cms-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-15] WARN akka.remote.artery.Association - Outbound control stream to [akka://cms-api@] failed. Restarting it. akka.remote.artery.OutboundHandshake$HandshakeTimeoutException: Handshake with [akka://cms-api@] did not complete within 20000 ms.
Happy to hear from someone who had this working :) Thank you for you help!