Akka Cinnamon CPU problem

When i enable akka cinnamon on my project, CPU problem occurred on my microservice. I did not run cinnamon agent with gradle. I applied cinnamon agent command on runtime with java parameters.

CMD echo "The application starting..." && \
    if [ $NEWRELIC_ACTIVE == "EVET" ]; then NEWRELIC_ARGS="-javaagent:$APPLICATION_PATH/newrelic/newrelic.jar" ; else NEWRELIC_ARGS=""; fi && \
    java $NEWRELIC_ARGS $CINNAMON_ARGS -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom \
    -jar $APPLICATION_PATH/app.jar 

Grafana output illustrated below;

my thread dump is illustrated below;

my configuration is illustrated below;

  host = "cinnamon-dev"
  application = "app-dev"
  core {
      meta {
          descriptor {
              executor {
                 active-thread-count {
                   key = “active-threads”
                   unit-type = “custom”
                   unit-suffix = “thread”
                 running-thread-count {
                   key = “running-threads”
                   unit-type = “custom”
                   unit-suffix = “thread”
                 queued-task-count {
                   key = “queued-tasks”
                   unit-type = “custom”
                   unit-suffix = “task”
                  pool-size {
                    key = “pool-size”
                    unit-type = “custom”
                    unit-suffix = “thread”
                  parallelism {
                    key = “parallelism”
  akka {
      cluster {
         shard-region-info = on
         domain-events = on
         member-events = on
         node-status = on
         node-metrics = on
         singleton-events = on
          serialization-timing = on
          failure-detector-metrics = on
      actors {
        "/user/*" {
          # WARNING: In a real application, it will be better to tag the actors
          # so that will be easier to make sense of the metrics. But since this is
          # just a sample, we are using `instance` to keep it simple.
          # See the following page for more information:
          # https://developer.lightbend.com/docs/telemetry/current/instrumentations/akka/actors-typed.html
          report-by = instance
                   dead-letter.enabled = true
                   sent-messages.enabled = true
                   mailbox-size {
                     key = "mailbox-size"
                     unit-type = "custom"
                     unit-suffix = "msg"
                   actor-failure {
                     key = "actor-failure"
                   dead-letter {
                     key = "dead-letter"
                   mailbox-time {
                     key = "mailbox-time"
                     unit-type = "nanoseconds"
                   processed-messages {
                     key = "processed-messages"
                     unit-type = "custom"
                     unit-suffix = "msg"
                   processing-time {
                     key = "processing-time"
                     unit-type = "nanoseconds"
                   unhandled-message {
                     key = “unhandled-message”
                   running-actors {
                     key = “running-actors”
                     unit-type = “custom”
                     unit-suffix = “actor”
               dispatcher {
                 queue-size {
                   key = “queue-size”
                   unit-type = “custom”
                   unit-suffix = “task”
                 processing {
                   key = “processing”
                   unit-type = “custom”
                   unit-suffix = “task”
                 processing-time {
                   key = “processing-time”
                   unit-type = “nanoseconds”
                 queue-time {
                   key = “queue-time”
                   unit-type = “nanoseconds”
                   cluster-domain-event {
                     key = "cluster-domain-event"
                   cluster-current-event {
                     key = “cluster-current-event”
                   cluster-node-status {
                     key = “cluster-node-status”
                   reachable-nodes {
                     key = “reachable-nodes”
                     unit-type = “custom”
                     unit-suffix = “node”
                   unreachable-nodes {
                     key = “unreachable-nodes”
                     unit-type = “custom”
                     unit-suffix = “node”
              # rate limit events
              rate {
                # event defaults are applied per event
                default {
                  # only every n:th event will be fired
                  every = 1

                  # events will fire at-most times every time period
                  at-most = 1
                  at-most-every = 20s

                # global settings apply to all events combined
                global {
                  # only every n:th event will be fired
                  every = 1

                  # events will fire at most once every time period
                  at-most = 1
                  at-most-every = 20s

cinnamon.chmetrics {

  reporters += newrelic-reporter

  newrelic-reporter {

    frequency = 10s

    # Prefix for all metric keys.
    prefix = "dev"

    # Suffix for all metric keys.
    suffix = ""

    # Tags for all metrics.
    # Uses a "key-value" approach to generate the tags.
    # E.g. the following configuration:
    # tags {
    #   country = "UK"
    # }
    # will generate tags = "country" -> "UK"
    tags {}

    # Handle events.
    # Control if the reporter should send events to new relic as well.
    handle-events = true

    report {
      # Meter fields to report for metrics.
      meter = ["samples", "min1_rate", "min5_rate", "min15_rate", "mean_rate"]

      # Tags to include for metrics. Does not affect histogram or meter fields.
      include-tags = ["*"]

      # Tags to exclude for metrics. Does not affect histogram or meter fields.
      exclude-tags = []

      # Converts time from nano into specified unit. Use "ns" for no conversion.
      # Supported units: "ns" (default), "us", "ms", and "s".
      conversion-time-unit = "ms"

      # Group by category instead of name.
      # If enabled the New Relic event names will only include the metric category and not the name,
      # and a new tag named "metric" containing the metric name will be added.
      # E.g. the metric "lightbend:actors:mailbox_size" will be reported as "lightbend:actors" with
      # the tag "metric" -> "mailbox_size"
      group-by-category = true

i couldn’t figure out problem. thanks for help