I’m trying to add basic authentication to all my routes and I’m noticing odd behavior. Looking around it seems that because I concat() the routes that it’s trying to next route afterwards which I don’t want. I then decided to seal() the routes but when I do that my second route api isn’t even available.
I feel like I’m uncovering a misunderstanding I have with creating apis using akka http. All the examples I’ve seen use concat() but I don’t understand the benefit of trying other routes when the client wanted to use that specific route even if it failed.
public Route getRoutes() {
return concat(createScheduledRecordingRoute().seal(), getScheduledRecordingRoute().seal());
private final Function<Optional<ProvidedCredentials>, Optional<String>> basicAuthenticator = providedCredentials ->
providedCredentials.filter(creds -> creds.identifier().equals("USERNAME") && creds.verify("PASSWORD")).map(ProvidedCredentials::identifier);
private Route createScheduledRecordingRoute() {
PathMatcher1<UUID> pathMatcher = apiV1Root.slash(CAMERAS).slash(uuidSegment()).slash(SCHEDULED_RECORDING);
return path(pathMatcher,
(cameraId) -> authenticateBasic("secure", basicAuthenticator,
(username) ->
post(() ->
entity(Jackson.unmarshaller(objectMapper, ScheduledRecordingView.class),
scheduledRecordingView -> complete(apiHandler.createScheduledRecording(cameraId, scheduledRecordingView)))
private Route getScheduledRecordingRoute() {
PathMatcher2<UUID, UUID> pathMatcher = apiV1Root.slash(CAMERAS).slash(uuidSegment()).slash(SCHEDULED_RECORDING).slash(uuidSegment());
return path(pathMatcher,
(cameraId, scheduledRecordingId) -> authenticateBasic("secure", basicAuthenticator,
(username) -> get(() -> complete(apiHandler.getScheduledRecording(cameraId, scheduledRecordingId)))));
I was under the impression that concat() was used for when you had a series of routes you want to serve and not if you wanted them chained together if one fails.
The examples online for Java and Akka-http are a bit limited so I apologize if I’m doing something the wrong way. I have two routes, one to create a ScheduledRecording, one to retrieve them. I want to use basic auth on each route.
If I seal the first route, then the second route is dead I noticed.
What am I missing here? Thank you very much.