ActorCluster bootstrap not starting properly . java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: akka/http/scaladsl/model/Uri$

When i tried to implement a ActorCluster formation with akka 2.5.32.
I have used



	akka.remote.artery {
		enabled = on
		transport = tcp
		canonical {
	        port = 2551
	        hostname = ""
	akka.cluster .seed-nodes = [ ]
	akka.extensions = [""] {
	  bind-hostname = ""  # Allow binding to all interfaces
	  bind-port = 8558
	  hostname = ""
	  port = 8558
	akka.discovery {
                method = "dns"
                dns {
                  service-name = ""
                  resolve-timeout = 3s
       } {
    cluster.bootstrap {
      contact-point-discovery {
        discovery-method = "dns"
        service-name = ""
        port-name = "akka-management"
        protocol = "tcp"

when i starting everything starting but …in log

INFO] [01/15/2025 15:20:10.508] [] [akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://ClusterSystem)] Cluster Node [akka://ClusterSystem@] - No seed-nodes configured, manual cluster join required, see
[INFO] [01/15/2025 15:20:10.631] [main] [ClusterBootstrap(akka://ClusterSystem)] ClusterBootstrap loaded through 'akka.extensions' auto starting management and bootstrap.
ActorSystem Started akka://ClusterSystem
[INFO] [01/15/2025 15:20:10.644] [] [HealthChecksImpl(akka://ClusterSystem)] Loading readiness checks [(cluster-membership,]
[INFO] [01/15/2025 15:20:10.645] [] [HealthChecksImpl(akka://ClusterSystem)] Loading liveness checks []
Uncaught error from thread []: akka/http/scaladsl/model/Uri$, shutting down JVM since 'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled for ActorSystem[ClusterSystem]
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: akka/http/scaladsl/model/Uri$

Exception occuring and actor system stopped.

Even trying multiple versions of akka http the class was not found. Any mapping to know which version compatable for which version. What is the exact version needed for 2.5.32

Having Akka Management as a dependency should bring in Akka HTTP as a transitive dependency, so that is strange. To figure it out I’d recommend taking a look at the actual class path your app is started with and make sure that it contains the akka-http-core jar file.

Note that 2.5.32 is not an Akka Management version but the Akka version, Akka Management is versioned separately, and a specific version of it does not work with all Akka versions ever released. I think Akka 2.5.32 was before we had any form of docs or bom to line up versions so you’ll have to look at your specific version dependency and check what transitive dependency versions it has and make sure those align with your Akka version or switch to an Akka Management version that does.

Akka 2.5 reached end of life quite a while ago and plenty of bug fixes and improvements has happened since that. I’d recommend that you updating to use the current versions of the libraries, for those there are docs and a bom to line up versions, for the latest, Akka 24.10.0 for example, you can find information about the individual module versions here Akka module versions