Sorry for the stupid question, but I have been unable to cope with it for a long time and despaired of figuring it out on my own.
I am trying to write a BodyParser that returns a source of strings:
public Accumulator<ByteString, F.Either<Result, Source<String, ?>>> apply(Http.RequestHeader request) {
Flow<ByteString, String, ?> flow = Flow.<ByteString>create()
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString.fromString("\n"), 256, FramingTruncation.ALLOW))
// other operations
return Accumulator.<String>source()
.map(F.Either::Right, executor);
It works as I intended. But if I try to add error handling using the recover method
return Accumulator.<String>source()
.map(F.Either::Right, executor)
.recover(throwable -> F.Either.Left(Results.internalServerError(throwable.getMessage())), executor);
the code stops compiling with an error
incompatible types: play.libs.streams.Accumulator<akka.util.ByteString,play.libs.F.Either<java.lang.Object,<java.lang.String,capture#1 of ?>>> cannot be converted to play.libs.streams.Accumulator<akka.util.ByteString,play.libs.F.Either<play.mvc.Result,<java.lang.String,?>>>
What am I doing wrong?