I am trying to build a tool that when run inside a Play! 2.6+ project folder loads and resolves the application configuration, including any reference.conf or application.conf present in dependency jars, in the same way the Play! server does upon start to account for overrides and merges. The goal is to be able to analyze the configuration values to alert the user of anti patterns, security weaknesses, or standard deviations present in the settings.
Ideally, I wouldn’t have to start up the Play! application to achieve this, but I am not sure if that’s even possible.
The way I started going about this is to define my own Application object with a CustomApplicationLoader, and fiddle with the Environment, ServcerConfig, Configuration, and Mode objects to try and parse the configuration the same way the application under analysis would, but it quickly becomes complicated and it doesn’t seem to capture all .conf files anyway. Something along these lines:
object Main extends App {
new CustomApplicationLoader
Extracted from DevServerStart and ApplicationLoader
val path = new File("/Users/adrian/code/playProject/") // originally BuildLink.projectPath from the run plugin
val dirAndDevSettings: Map[String, String] = ServerConfig.rootDirConfig(path) ++ buildLink.settings.asScala.toMap
val environment = Environment(path, projectClassloader, Mode.Dev)
val configuration = Configuration.load(environment, dirAndDevSettings)
class CustomApplicationLoader extends GuiceApplicationLoader {
override def builder(context: ApplicationLoader.Context): GuiceApplicationBuilder = {
.overrides(overrides(context): _*)
I would appreciate any pointers to direct my efforts to either pieces of Play! / sbt code or a better approach to achieve this.