Lagom installation problems


I wanted to install the Lagom Build and follwoed the instructions in

  • I learned that I need to install additional components, not described on the page like Lombok . Why is this not described on the page?
  • Which additional components are needed? I see exceptions about slf4j , Netty , and JNR C Library . Why are these libraries not included?
  • Do I need special access rights ? I started Eclipse as admin.
  • What else do I need to do? See the Exceptions below.

Many thanks in advance


Here the current Exceptions:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...


[INFO] -------------------< com.ant.lagom:integration-test >-------------------

[INFO] Building integration-test 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------


[INFO] --- lagom-maven-plugin:1.6.0-M4:runAll (default-cli) @ integration-test ---

[INFO] Starting Kafka

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org. **slf4j** .impl.StaticLoggerBinder".

SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

SLF4J: See for further details.

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

WARNING: **Illegal reflective access** by javassist.util.proxy.SecurityActions ([file:/C:/Users/BoLud/.m2/repository/org/javassist/javassist/3.24.0-GA/javassist-3.24.0-GA.jar](file:///C:\Users\BoLud\.m2\repository\org\javassist\javassist\3.24.0-GA\javassist-3.24.0-GA.jar)) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int,

WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of javassist.util.proxy.SecurityActions

WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations

WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

[INFO] DataStax Java driver 3.6.0 for Apache Cassandra

[INFO] Detected Guava >= 19 in the classpath, using modern compatibility layer

[INFO] Starting Cassandra

[INFO] Could not load **JNR C Library** , native system calls through this library will not be available (set this logger level to DEBUG to see the full stack trace).

[INFO] Using java.lang.System clock to generate timestamps.

[INFO] Did not find **Netty's native epoll transport** in the classpath, defaulting to NIO.

[INFO] Cassandra server is not yet started.

The value assigned to


is either too short, or this may indicate another

process is already running on port 4000

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities ([file:/C:/Users/BoLud/eclipse-workspace/lagom/integration-tests/target/embedded-cassandra/cassandra-bundle.jar](file:///C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\cassandra-bundle.jar)) to field

WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities

WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations

WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

WARNING: Illegal reflective access by$ReflectUtils$1 ([file:/C:/Users/BoLud/.m2/repository/com/google/inject/guice/4.2.2/guice-4.2.2.jar](file:///C:\Users\BoLud\.m2\repository\com\google\inject\guice\4.2.2\guice-4.2.2.jar)) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int,

WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of$ReflectUtils$1

WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations

WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

2019-08-13T15:19:32.828Z [info] akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger [] - Slf4jLogger started

2019-08-13T15:20:04.864Z [warn] [sourceThread=main,, sourceActorSystem=application, akkaTimestamp=15:20:04.862UTC] - Detected that Hostname Verification is disabled globally (via ssl-config's akka.ssl-config.loose.disableHostnameVerification) for the Http extension! This is very dangerous and may expose you to man-in-the-middle attacks. If you are forced to interact with a server that is behaving such that you must disable this setting, please disable it for a given connection instead, by configuring a specific HttpsConnectionContext for use only for the trusted target that hostname verification would have blocked.

2019-08-13T15:20:06.494Z [info] com.lightbend.lagom.registry.impl.ServiceLocatorServer [] - Service locator can be reached at

2019-08-13T15:20:06.494Z [info] com.lightbend.lagom.registry.impl.ServiceLocatorServer [] - Service gateway can be reached at

[INFO] Service locator is running at

[INFO] Service gateway is running at

[INFO] (Service started, press enter to stop and go back to the console...)

08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - **Unable to delete** C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-4-big-Data.db
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException : C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-4-big-Data.db
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.delete( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.delete( ~[na:na]
    at org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransaction.delete( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransaction$[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at$GlobalTidy.tidy( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref$GlobalState.release([cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref$State.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at$InstanceTidier$ ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:na]
    at org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory.lambda$threadLocalDeallocator$0( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at java.base/ ~[na:na]
08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - Failed deletion for C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-4-big,we'll retry after GC and on server restart

08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - Unable to delete C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-1-big-Data.db
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-1-big-Data.db
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.delete( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.delete( ~[na:na]
    at org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransaction.delete([cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransaction$ ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at$GlobalTidy.tidy( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref$GlobalState.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref$State.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at$InstanceTidier$ ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:na]
    at org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory.lambda$threadLocalDeallocator$0( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at java.base/ ~[na:na]
08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - Failed deletion for C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-1-big, we'll retry after GC and on server restart

08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - Unable to delete C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-3-big-Data.db
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-3-big-Data.db
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.delete( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.delete( ~[na:na]
    at org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransaction.delete( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransaction$ ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref$GlobalState.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref$State.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at$InstanceTidier$ ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:na]
    at org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory.lambda$threadLocalDeallocator$0( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at java.base/ ~[na:na]
08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - Failed deletion for C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-3-big, we'll retry after GC and on server restart

08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - Unable to delete C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-2-big-Data.db
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-2-big-Data.db
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.delete( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.delete( ~[na:na]
    at org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransaction.delete([cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransaction$ ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref$GlobalState.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref$State.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Ref.release( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at$InstanceTidier$ ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/ ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[na:na]
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$[na:na]
    at org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory.lambda$threadLocalDeallocator$0( ~[cassandra-bundle.jar:0.62]
    at java.base/ ~[na:na]
08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - Failed deletion for C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-2-big, we'll retry after GC and on server restart

I run:
Java build 12.0.2+10
Eclipse for Enterprise 2019-06 (4.12.0)
Lombok 1.18.8

The pom.xml of integration-test shows further issues. Multiple annotations found at this line:

- Execution default-resources of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources failed: Unable
 to load the **mojo 'resources'** (or one of its required components) from the plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-
 plugin:2.6' (org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources:default-resources:process-resources)
 org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginExecutionException: Execution default-resources of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-
 resources-plugin:2.6:resources failed: Unable to load the mojo 'resources' (or one of its required components) from the plugin
 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6' at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.execute( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.lambda$7( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.execute( at at at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$1.method( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$1.method( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod$1$ at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod$ at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute( at
	 org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod.execute( at at$ at at at at$ at at at at at at at Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginContainerException:

I reinstalled everything and got other issues. I should have use jdk1.8. I thought JRE is downward compatible.

Hey there,

I don’t use Eclipse myself, so I cannot comment on some of the issues you’re experiencing, but I will try to help where I can.

Lombok is actually mentioned in the documentation - You can find installation instructions for most IDEs, Eclipse included, on their website -

Regarding the libraries you’ve listed - they are all included in the project. You can see what dependencies each module includes by looking at and build.sbt for the relevant modules. In my opinion, the Lagom team has made a good effort organizing those in an easy to follow way, you can get a sense of what’s used where just by looking at the Dependencies.scala file.

Looking at the exceptions,

08/13 17:20:08 ERROR[NonPeriodicTasks:1] o.a.c.d.l.LogTransaction - Unable to delete C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\data\system\local-7ad54392bcdd35a684174e047860b377\mc-4-big-Data.db

it seems to me that Maven does not have sufficient privileges to write to the C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\lagom\integration-tests\target\embedded-cassandra\ directory. Unfortunately, I cannot comment further on the matter, as I am not a Windows user myself. And it does seem like a Windows issue, but I could be wrong.

In practice, you should be able to use any JRE to run the application, however, since Lagom is mostly written in Scala, it is preferable to use JDK8 when building the project. JDK11 is unofficially supported, but I haven’t had any issues using it thus far. You can find more about the JDK compatibility here -

I highly doubt I am going to be of much help to you solving these issues, but hopefully the pages I refer to could aid you in your troubles.

1 Like

This. :point_up:

We have extensive tests for Java 8 and it is the official supported version. Right now we have the same tests using Java 11, but for the development version of Lagom. I don’t think Cassandra supports Java 12 since support for Java 11 was merged, but it was not released yet.

So, yeah, for Lagom 1.5.x, you must use Java 8.

Yeah, my suggestion is to manually delete the target folders here and execute mvn lagom:runAll again to see if Maven can recreate the folders with the correct permissions. If it cannot, then you must verify the permissions at the project root folder.


Thank you for your feedback.
It is really annoying. I followed the instructions in Did somebody get the implementation run in Eclipse?

I switch back to JDK1.8, but still get a lot of errors, but less than before.

That the slf4j cannot be found, JNR C Library cannot be loaded and that a process is already running on port 4000 is very strange.

Further help is very, very welcome. I spent already a week on that :-(

New list:

[INFO] Scanning for projects

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] my-first-system [pom]
[INFO] hello-api [jar]
[INFO] hello-impl [jar]
[INFO] stream-api [jar]
[INFO] stream-impl [jar]
[INFO] integration-test [jar]
[INFO] -----------------< com.example.hello:my-first-system >------------------
[INFO] Building my-first-system 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT [1/6]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] — lagom-maven-plugin:1.6.0-M4:runAll (default-cli) @ my-first-system —
[INFO] Starting Kafka
SLF4J: Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder”.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
[INFO] DataStax Java driver 3.6.0 for Apache Cassandra
[INFO] Detected Guava >= 19 in the classpath, using modern compatibility layer
[INFO] Starting Cassandra
.[INFO] Could not load JNR C Library, native system calls through this library will not be available (set this logger level to DEBUG to see the full stack trace).
[INFO] Using java.lang.System clock to generate timestamps.
[INFO] Did not find Netty’s native epoll transport in the classpath, defaulting to NIO.
.[INFO] Using java.lang.System clock to generate timestamps.
.[INFO] Using java.lang.System clock to generate timestamps.
.[INFO] Using java.lang.System clock to generate timestamps.
.[INFO] Using java.lang.System clock to generate timestamps.

[INFO] Cassandra server is not yet started.

The value assigned to
is either too short, or this may indicate another
process is already running on port 4000
2019-08-19T18:21:09.828Z [info] akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger [] - Slf4jLogger started
2019-08-19T18:21:19.374Z [warn] [sourceThread=main,, sourceActorSystem=application, akkaTimestamp=18:21:19.372UTC] - Detected that Hostname Verification is disabled globally (via ssl-config’s akka.ssl-config.loose.disableHostnameVerification) for the Http extension! This is very dangerous and may expose you to man-in-the-middle attacks. If you are forced to interact with a server that is behaving such that you must disable this setting, please disable it for a given connection instead, by configuring a specific HttpsConnectionContext for use only for the trusted target that hostname verification would have blocked.
2019-08-19T18:21:27.687Z [info] com.lightbend.lagom.registry.impl.ServiceLocatorServer [] - Service locator can be reached at
2019-08-19T18:21:27.689Z [info] com.lightbend.lagom.registry.impl.ServiceLocatorServer [] - Service gateway can be reached at
[INFO] Service locator is running at
[INFO] Service gateway is running at
20:21:41.841 [info] play.core.server.AkkaHttpServer [] - Listening for HTTP on /
[INFO] Using ‘UTF-8’ encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\my-first-system\hello-api\src\main\resources
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 3 source files to C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\my-first-system\hello-api\target\classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
20:22:22.561 [info] play.core.server.AkkaHttpServer [] - Listening for HTTP on /
[INFO] Using ‘UTF-8’ encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\my-first-system\hello-api\src\main\resources
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] Using ‘UTF-8’ encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\my-first-system\stream-api\src\main\resources
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\BoLud\eclipse-workspace\my-first-system\stream-api\target\classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Service hello-impl listening for HTTP on
[INFO] Service stream-impl listening for HTTP on
[INFO] (Services started, press enter to stop and go back to the console

And here is the log after the download with Maven. There are less issues than before, if any:


This is just a warning message and won’t have any impact on how the application works/starts. You can ignore it.

As you can see, this is just an info message. You can better understand this problem here:

Could you verify if there is really another process running on port 4000? (See how to do it here).

If there is no other process running on port 4000, then you can configure cassandraMaxBootWaitingSeconds as documented here: Lagom - Cassandra Server


Hello, World! :-)

Thank you very much for your valueable feedback. It runs now. I don’t know why, because I just rebuild everything.

Could you answer some more questions, please?
(1) Lombok says, that I have to add it to the classpath. I forgot it, but it worked anyway. Is that not necessary? I did not find lombok in a pom-file.

(2) The serverside complains performance and time-outs. Is it possible to change the values and slow down the system?

(3) How can I start the system in Eclipse without rebuild?


If it is installed in Eclipse, then the plugin will make sure it is part of your classpath, or will do all the processing that is necessary inside the IDE. I still think it is a good idea to have it declared in your pom.xml so that the application won’t be dependent of Eclipse.

Hard to say what is happening based only on this information since Lagom has multiple timeouts that are configurable. What are you seeing? Some exception? If so, what is the stack trace?

Did you mean how to execute mvn lagom:runAll without triggering a full rebuild? If you don’t run clean this should be the default, although I’m not an Eclipse user, so maybe the question is flying way above my head.


This issue got resolved ? I am facing the exact same errors in IntelliJ also. I am new to lagom and Akka framework, Can anyone help me here?
I am using Java 11 + Lagom 1.6.1 +maven.

Error I am getting is

Hi @Lyn

Check if you are running any process in 9000 port before running lagom. If this error occurs after another lagom run check if the process still running. I’ve got this error running lagom in sbt environment after ctlr + c and running the lagom service again. The old sbt still running under the hoods of my prompt.

How can I change the port for this. I use maven for running the project and I added below configurations in the pom.xml, still I am getting the same error as
Execution lagom-internal-request of goal com.lightbend.lagom:lagom-maven-plugin:1.6.1:startServiceLocator failed: Failed to start embedded Service Locator or Service Gateway. Hint: Are ports 8038 or 9000 already in use?

> Configuration : 
>  <plugin>
>                 <groupId>com.lightbend.lagom</groupId>
>                 <artifactId>lagom-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>                 <version>${lagom.version}</version>
>                 <configuration>
>                     <serviceLocatorPort>8033</serviceLocatorPort>
>                  </configuration>
>             </plugin>

Whatever port I add , its giving the same error with that port number.
Even I tried disabling cassandra since i was getting another error for accessing cassandra jar. Still the same issue coming.
Please help.

Hi @Lyn

By default in development mode lagom start one ServiceLocator(port 9008) and one ServiceGateway(port 9000) but you can change the port in the configuration as you show above. If you do not need to start these components run one service with " myserviceName/run" this ill only expose the service port and does not start the ServiceLocator either ServiceGateway. If you need to start these components please check if you have any process running in the used ports. As I said before sometimes exists process using these ports.

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That worked after changing the service gateway port by adding below config :
