Internal service locator issue

Hi @jayaram250,

a service usually does the following immediately after starting up:

  1. determine my IP
  2. read the $PORT value I was told to listen to by the orchestration sw that started me
  3. contact the service registry and announce that I’m ready to serve incoming requests

That’s what your enquiry service is doing (or should be doing) when it boots up.
Then, a client trying to use enquiry will:

  1. contact the service registry
  2. ask for an IP:PORT where the enquiry service is being served
  3. contact that IP:PORT and send the request.

IIUC, your system fails on either step 1 or step 2. of the client flow. There are several reasons: the client didn’t locate the service registry, the enquiry service did not register so the service registry is empty, etc…

All the above assumes neither the service or the client use static IPs (or ports actually).

If there’s a way you can share some code or details wrt the actual ServiceLocator implementation you are user it could be very helpful.


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