I have an lagom event sourcing/CQRS employee service that publishes events to a Kafka topic named employee-kafka-events. I need to write a mail-notification service that would subscribe to this kafka topic and sends mail notifications for certain events on that topic.
How do I write this mail-notification service as a Lagom managed service? Clearly, this mail-notification service doesn’t have a use case of exposing any REST endpoint. Is it possible to write a service in Lagom as a managed service that doesn’t expose any REST endpoint? If yes, how would we define the ApplicationLoader of such a service? If not, then how could I make use of Lagom Message Broker API? If it’s not even possible to use Lagom’s message broker API then what libraries can I use from Lighbend stack to implement the mail-notification service?
Since Lagom is an opinionated framework, what opinion does it holds for such a use case???
You need to have a “dummy” service trait to implement.
It is “dummy” in the sense that service trait descriptor only defines named("my-service") without any calls or topics.
This trait can also be in your IMPL project (so API project is not needed).
But I have a follow up question: This approach seems to start a service as a REST service assigning it a port (which probably is never needed) with 0 APIs defined. This seems kind of a hack to me.
Why Lagom chooses such a limitation when it comes to defining services that don’t need to expose any API? Why not provide a graceful approach to defining such services? I am sure you would agree that such use cases are also important and inevitable.
I agree that this solutions is not completely optimal but a port bind is not such of a big overhead. You do not need to expose the port in the k8s service endpoints.
Lagom’s service call endpoint is a “first class citizen” explaining why a port bind is expected.
Lagom was not designed as an only stream processing service.
It is also questionable if this kind of a use case will be covered by Lagom in the future taking in mind that there are other Lightbend frameworks emerging with stronger focus on stream processing (stateless and stateful).