Dependencies not available anymore on (play 2.5.6)

I have a problem building an old play 2.5.6 application. It was building correctly 2 months ago, but now the dependencies are not available anymore.
Why were the dependencies removed?
How can I make the build work?
Upgrade is not possible.

Thank you very much for your answers,


resolvers ++= Seq(
    Resolver.url("Play", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns),
    "Typesafe Repository" at ""

addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.5.6")
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-less" % "1.0.6")


11:31:55  e[0m[e[31merrore[0m] e[0mServer access Error: Connection refused (Connection refused) url=[0m
11:31:56  e[0m[e[31merrore[0m] e[0mServer access Error: Connection refused (Connection refused) url=[0m
11:31:56  e[0m[e[0minfoe[0m] e[0mResolving commons-io#commons-io;2.4 ...e[0m
11:31:56  e[A
e[2Ke[0m[e[0minfoe[0m] e[0mResolving commons-io#commons-io;2.4 ...e[0m
11:31:57  e[A
e[2Ke[0m[e[0minfoe[0m] e[0mResolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;25 ...e[0m
11:31:57  e[A
e[2Ke[0m[e[0minfoe[0m] e[0mResolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;25 ...e[0m
11:31:58  e[A
e[2Ke[0m[e[0minfoe[0m] e[0mResolving org.apache#apache;9 ...e[0m
11:31:58  e[A
e[2Ke[0m[e[0minfoe[0m] e[0mResolving org.apache#apache;9 ...e[0m
11:32:00  e[0m[e[31merrore[0m] e[0mServer access Error: Connection refused (Connection refused) url=[0m
11:32:01  e[0m[e[31merrore[0m] e[0mServer access Error: Connection refused (Connection refused) url=[0m
11:32:13  e[0m[e[0minfoe[0m] e[0mResolving;2.5.6 ...e[0m
11:32:13  e[A
e[2Ke[0m[e[0minfoe[0m] e[0mResolving;2.5.6 ...e[0m

Please use https

11:32:00  e[0m[e[31merrore[0m] e[0mServer access Error: Connection refused (Connection refused) url=[0m
11:32:01  e[0m[e[31merrore[0m] e[0mServer access Error: Connection refused (Connection refused) url=[0m

Hmm, those are pom-only artifacts, strange that it’s trying to download jars for those. I’m not sure those would ever have existed. But anyway the repo should return ‘not found’ rather than ‘connection refused’ for them. Does this still happen after switching to https?