Any resources for creating REST api with anorm?

Im new to this framework and im having a hard time creating a rest api.
Are there any examples, I am already aware of the play-scala-anorm-example and play-scala-rest-api from the play-samples repo.
If you could point me towards some other examples, I would be very grateful.


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We have built a simple to reuse template which exposes a REST API from Play Framework, the database interactions use anorm (GitHub - wiringbits/scala-webapp-template: A reusable skeleton to build web applications in Scala/Scala.js, including user registration, login, admin portal, and deployments), besides that, these are other similar apps:

Good luck!


We use swagger-play e.g., GitHub - dwickern/swagger-play for REST.

Swagger, GitHub - swagger-api/swagger-core: Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API, is a good way to clearly communicate the API and allow other users to try out your REST API from a GUI.

I have found it especially useful when working with developers on other teams since it clearly and unambiguously describes the exact API calls and all arguments required.

Good luck!

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thanks for the awesome information.